Thursday, December 23, 2010

Lille 7 måneders gutten vår!

Marcus er 7 måneder nå. Tiden går så alt alt for fort.. Så hvert sekund vi får med prinsen vår er så precious!! Den siste måneden var fyllt med store begivenheter.
Som 6 månedersgutt lærte gutten å krype, han lærte seg å reise seg opp, og gå ved siden av sofa, bord, vinduskarmen etc.. og han lærte seg å sette seg opp selv. Det var hans motoriske utviklen i måneden som gikk. Ellers har har bare bestemt seg for å hate bilstolen sin. Han gjør alt han ikke skal gjøre, som for eksempel å leke med grandma's julekrybbe som står under juletreet, leke med vannskåla til Stryder, og bite i ledninger.. Han elsker kosedyrene sine, spesielt bamsen han fikk hos Lill, og lammet han fikk hos Signe. Han liker også frosken han fikk hos Carole, samme greia som lammet, et kosedyrhode sydd på en koseklut.. :D

Som 7 månedersgutt er han blitt tøffere, prøver å slippe seg mens han står og som regel havner han på rumpa. Noen ganger holder han balansen en stund, men fallrefleksen kicker inn og han faller. Han er dårligere på å spise, for han har det veldig travelt og vil helst farte rundt hele tiden.

Nå er det snart jul, lillejulaften as we read! Marcus sin første jul!! Jeg gleder meg! Han er så herlig den gutten. Sjarmerer alle i senk!! Hver morgen har vi familiestund i storsenga. Da krabber Marcus rundt. River pappa i øret, river mamma i håret. Smiler og ler. Det er så koselig!! :D Da prater han og det gir virkelig mersmak når man kan ta en pause fra hverdagen og bare nyte noen få minutter der vi alle kan være sammen. :D
Lille Marcus er så bedagelig. Han sitter så tålmodig i bilstolen sin når vi er på farta. Selv om han først sier ifra hva han egentlig mener om bilstolen sin. Han skulle vel helst kjørt selv den tullballen! :D Ute blandt folk flørter han og viser stolt frem de to tennene sine :D V kani sitte i sofaen og brått har Marcus planta to skarpe tenner i stortåa :D
Huff, jeg kunne sittet her hele helgen og skrevet morsomme ting Marcus har gjort. Men det har man jo ikke tid til :D
Skal sette inn bilder senere, og skal bli flinkere til å blogge!! :D

God Jul!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

6 months old little Marcus boy!!

Sorry, I have not been good with this blog at all, I guess i'm not at big blogger :)
Well I wanted to write some updates about our little son.
He is 6 months old now. Growing like crazy, and he is getting more and more handsome!
We just love our little tullball.. :D
He is 6 months old now, he is 8.9 kilos, and he is 72 cm in height, his headcircumferanse is 46.5 cm. He is in the 86th percentile for weight, in the 95th for hight and 96th for HC. A big georgeous boy!

He is developing just fine. Here are some of his skills and interests:
  • He can scoot forward, and he is doing the armyroll
  • He is rocking back and forth on his hands and knees and is almost crawling.

  • He tries to pull him self up, but he needs more time, strength and balance

  • He is holding his bottle, feeding him self now, no need for mamma or daddy to help :D

  • He sleeps through the night!! Super yeah!!
  • He has two teeth, he got one on nov.1st, and the other one a few days later.

  • He is starting to copy us now, sometimes he will say Hiiii!! :D
  • He is sitting up, guess who i found sitting up in bed the other night??

  • When he wants to go to mamma or daddy, he will reach out for us..

  • He is eating tons of different foods, he is over the part where he just wanted peas, he loves everything except meat. If you give him beef and beefbroth etc, he will gagg on you!! :D

  • He can have a toy in each hand and play and switch back and forth.

  • He of course gets into everything he is not suppose to. Like the dvd player, dvds, The cords, Stryders toybox, grandma's plants, Stryders waterbowl, the heater on the floor, papers and magazines, shoes and so on..

  • He has his toys in his own toybox, when he wants to play, he just knocks it over and in a minute the toys are all over the livingroom. The thing he has not learned yet is to pick up after him self.. :)

That is some of Marcus's skills and interests. He is a super fun baby, and I love him so much. I cant believe how blessed we are, he is truly a good baby, had tons of patience and he is so calm and relaxed. He cries if he is scared, if he hurts, or if he is tired or hungry. He is truly everything we would ever hope or wish for. And I am so blessed to have Marcus in my life!
6 months have gone by so fast, and I am afraid we will wake up one day with a 18 year old and wonder where the heck all the time went.. We just need to take pics and write about the small things that just gotta be recorded and enjoy every moment of life!!

I will try to do better with the blogging ,and keep friends and family updated.. :D

Take care!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

5 months old babyboy!

Marcus er 5 måneder i dag! 5 måneder siden Marcus kom til verden, men det føles som om det var i går!! Jeg husker den dagen vi kjørte til sykehuset og vi visste at vi kom til å komme hjem med en baby. Jeg husker da jeg og Nick satt på sykehuset spente på hva som skulke skje, jeg husker jeg gikk hjemme de siste dagene før Marcus ble født. Våknet på natta for å gå på do, vagget rundt som ei svær gås, kjente Marcus sparke, hikke, snu på seg og jeg husker når Nick la øret mot magen, og hørte hjertet til Marcus slå. Jeg husker hvor spente vi var, hvor vi lengtet etter den lille gutten vår.. :D Nå har han vært på denne jord i 5 måneder, og jeg kan ikke beskrive den gleden han sprer rundt seg, hvor mye vi elsker den lille gutten vår!!!

5 måneder gammel og vokser kjempefort. Fortsatt rundt 90 prosentilen :D

5 måneders skills og interesser:
* Rulle begge veier.
* Sitte uten å bli støttet opp.
* ta opp smokken og føre den inn i munnen.
* Holde flasken sin
* Drikke fra tutekopp og vanlig kopp
* Når han ligger på magen snurrer han rundt 360 grader ved å bruke hendene og prøver fortvilt å krype
* Kan stå ved å holde seg selv oppe, men gjør ikke det så mye, vil spare ryggen hans.

Interessene til Marcus er:
* Mamma og pappa
* elsker baby einstein leken sin (hoppeleke)
* Elsker å leke på gulvet
* Er stor fan av Stryder hunden til grandma.
* Elsker andre babyer, speilbildet sitt og gamle mennesker typ oldefar og oldemor gamle :D
* Liker gulrot og erter, ikke fan av noen frukt bortsett fra sviske.
* Elsker å lugge hår.
* Når han sover må han ha to kosedyr, ett på hver side, favorittene er lammet og frosken sin.. Det er kosekluter med kosedyr på :D
* Liker å leke "borte bø", og "nå kommer mamma og tar deg" :D
* Er ufattelig kilen, spesielt på lårene, ryggen, siden og rundt halsen.

Ellers er han favoritt babyen vår :D Slik føler vel alle mammaer og pappaer det :D

Friday, August 20, 2010

Marcus is 3 months and one week!!

Marcus is over 3 months old now. Seems like time just flies away!
He is developing fine. Just started to show interest for his toys. His gums are itching really bad, so he is biting on to everything, leaving something with a grind.. Yucky!! :D He is so funny!
He's rolled over a few times, from back to his stomach.. He rolles over on his side for the most. But he sure knows he can move now :) He just found out he has feet as well, and they are really cool to look at... :D He can say I love you, though he kinda stopped saying that after a while. The new favorite thing to do, is the one thing his grandma Edel taught him, to make car noises.. I woke up last morning, and the first thing he did when he woke up, was to make that sound.. :D And he has done that over and over again the whole day.
He is getting really heavy, and long.. Juat started to eat some regular food actually. Where did my newborn go??? I rememeber the firts time I saw him. I was the happiest girl on this earth.. I had been longing to meet him for so long, and the first time I saw him, the first time i heard him cry/scream and the first time I smelled him, he placed some deep footprints in my heart. To watch him grow. To see him develope. To know he is healthy and strong, it makes me realized how blessed I am. How blessed we are! Me and my wonderful husband, together we made this perfect little thing. And now I can't imagine our life without him!! We just can't stop staring at him, kiss him, cuddle with him!! I know we were ment to have him in our life, he is teaching us so much... and I just love him with all my heart!! I love to see him with my family, I love to see my family hold him, and to see that he is loved by so many people. If something ever would happen to me, I know that so many people would help out.

Today I got a heartbreaking message. Marcus's 2nd cousin died from a car accident. She just turned 17. It is so sad. As a parent, I can only imagine the pain her parents feels, the loss of their daughter, it must be so hard. I don't even wanna think about living without Marcus. And I have only been his mom for 3 months. But the love you have for your children, it is so strong. Our children is so precious to us.. And I just don't think we can imagine how it is to loose a son or a daughter.
I will pray for my cousin and his wife, it is so sad what happened, words just can't explane!!

Take care of your loved ones peeps. What if tomorrow never comes... You never know what's behind the next curve.. And you will never get yesterday back..

It has been a sad week... :(

Last friday the 13th, my wonderful dog Tingeling past away. She got hit by a car, and died. I just miss her so much. She's been staying with my sister Lill for the last 2 years. And they had a special bond her and Tingeling. Tingeling was 8 years, and i can still remember the day me and Kai (Lill's fiance) drove to Sweden to pick her up.. It was love at first sight. She was such an adorable puppy. She became my best friend ever. She has always protected me from evil people :) at least who she thought was evil .. Lol..
When I cried, she always jumped up on the table, sat in front of me, and licked away my tears. When I was happy, she was happy. When I went to sleep, she slept in my bed with me..

Tingeling and I were a great team. We learned lots of tricks together, she was my first dog, and of course there is a lot I would want to do different, but I don't know where I would be without her. She has brought so much joy into my life.. She was like my baby, for a while it was just me and her. we understood eachother, she knew me, and I knew her.

Unfortunately I was unable to see her for almost two years cause I lived in the US, or it was actually over 2 years... When I saw her again, she didn't really recognize me at first, but it didn't take long till she did. And I had an amazing hour with her, all alone... We sat in the bed, she laid on my lap. Looked at me, licked me in my face, she smiled at me, and barked and wanted to play.. She played with my hand for a while, then we took a walk outside... I just remembered how much I had missed her. I wanted to take her back, but since she had been staying with Lill for so long, I would not break that bond again. But man I missed her. Dreamt about her at night.

Last friday I recieved a phone call from my sister, she was crying..
She said that Tingeling was dead... I got goosebumps all over my whole body, I just could not believe it. My little Tingeling wasn't anymore.. Lill was crying, so was I. Poor little Tingeling, she was suppose to live forever!! But that didn't happen...

I know it might seem like I am over reacting, but I swear, Tingeling was not an usual dog. She was something more. She had the sweetest personality, but at the same time, she was a beast :) She was easy to love. So spunky!!! I know I will never have a dog like that anymore.. I miss her so much.. Wish she could just come back!!

I wanna share the poem my sister wrote on her wall the night Tingeling died.. It is so beautiful and so true!!!

If tears could build a stairway,

and heartache make a lane.

I'd walk the path to heaven,

and bring you home again..

R.I.P Pingen!!
I miss you!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Not everything can be boiled

Since Marcus turned 3 months yesterday, I bought him a present. I had my mom watch Marcus for a few hours. The first time anyone has watched him by the way, and it felt horrible to leave him.. But Marcus and bestemor had a blast. :) I myself went to sweden to buy some formula and food for the next week. And since his gums are itching I bought a teether filled with some gel. I even got him a bigger binky, and a hairbrush for him.. I got home, put the teether and the binky in the steam-bag and put it in the micro.. I heard some popping in there and took it out, and the three gelfilled sections on the teether had popped and the gel had started to come out... Man I got so mad at my self for being so stupid. I really wanted him to have that teether.. But now it was all destroyed.. So I guess not everything can be boiled/steamed..
Other than that his three months birthday was fun, we took some pictures and just had fun together. When I got Marcus ready for bed we sang songs like usual, Marcus loves when we sing for him. But he hates it when we get him dressed, he just loves being naked :D So the PJ was not a popular thing. And he did not want to go to bed in his own bed last night, so i just laid him in the middle of our bed and he was out!! He slept till 2 o'clock and wanted some food. But my milk was not enough so i had to make him a bottle, and even at the 6 o'clock meal he wanted a bottle, he is usually fine with only breastmilk at night.. So he probably has a growing period now..

We measured him again today since the lady that measured him on his 3 months check up said she did not measure him correctly, and the correct lenght is actually 26.4 inches, not 24.4 inches. So he is on the 95 precentile on weight and >97 precentile on hight. He is using 80-86 in clothing wich is 12 months in US sizes. And he is for sure the cutest little thing you can ever imagine!! <3

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Our son is 3 months

We are celebrating our sons 3 months birthday today :) He celebrated his own way by rolling from back to his stomach.. He is such a good baby!!!
The 3 months check up yesterday went well. He is growing and developing just the way he is suppose to. And he is now 16 pounds 4 oz and he is 24.4 inches long.. (7440 gr and 62 cm long)
He is making tons of different noises, he does not sleep through the night yet, he is breastfeeding ones or twice every night. But that's alright we just keep him in our bed the rest of the night and then he sleeps till 9 or 10 :)

The 3 last couple of months has been pretty amazing. Being a mom is more than I could ever imagine, it is such a blessing for me, and I am so happy for my eternal family that we have made together me and Nick. I have a testimony that families can be together forever, and I am so grateful for that!!

In less than 3 weeks we will head back to the states, it has been fun vacation in Norway. Nick is probably sick of doing nothing. And I am eager to get back again. Marcus will be able to say hi to his family in Utah and we are so excited to see everybody again.. We will miss everybody here in Norway, but we sure hope they will all come and visit us in Utah. :D

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Mormon messages.

Her om dagen fortalte min fantastiske mann at han hadde tittet på mormon messages på youtube.. Han fant frem en video til meg på youtube som jeg gjerne vil dele med dere.. Tårene mine bare rant.. Det var så trist, samtidig så oppløftende..
Hvis han kan tilgi, da kan jeg også tilgi...
Det er utrolig viktig å tilgi, begrave stridsøkser, glemme og legge ting bak seg. Begynne med blanke ark igjen.. Hvis vi hver eneste dag jobber med å tilgi hverandre, så vet jeg at vi blir velsignet... Kan vi ikke prøve å tenke på noen vi kan tilgi? Ta opp kontakten med noen som kanskje har gjort oss vondt, fortelle at vi har glemt og er villig å tilgi?? Livet er for kort til å kaste det bort på å være bitter..

Nå sikter jeg ikke til noen bare så det er sagt, jeg bare snakker generelt :)

Her er videoen, se den og bli inspirert :)

My Burden Was Made Light